How do you know you have a real friend and not a homie hopper friendship? Do you think of them often? Do you keep up with their life? Can you call them up after a long period of silence and feel no awkwardness? Can you you say these 5 things to your bestie and honestly mean it?
1. True Friends are like luxury cars- dependable, valuable, and always in style
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Inspired by a Nicole Richie quote,"True friends are like diamonds— bright, beautiful, and always in style."
2. Just like a star, even when unseen, you're always there
Inspired by those long distant friendships that can pick up a phone after an gap of silence and still be as close as ever.
3. We'll be friends til' we're old and senile ...Then we'll be new friends!
Inspired by the those friendships that are like two peas in a pod. They share so many interests even if they had a 50 first date conundrum they would still be friends every day.
4. I'm nothing more than myself, when I'm with you
Inspired by those friends who accept and like the other just as they are.
5. Best Man and Best Friend
Ok so even the best of female friends can't say this; but for male friendships this is the ultimate compliment to your best friend.
Inspired by male friendships so close, that they top the exclusive groomsmen list on the most important social event of the grooms new life.
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